Trash Carts Online Payments

Trash CartPer ordinance, municipal trash carts are now mandatory for all municipal trash customers (§91.66).

Although we strive to deliver your trash carts as soon as possible, you may experience a longer than average delay in your requested delivery. For quicker receipt of your trash cart, please consider purchasing at the Drop-Off Facility located at 500 Dunbarton Road.

Please note you must have a vehicle that can fit the barrel to haul.

Order Your Trash Cart(s)

A $10 delivery fee is added to all online orders. If you do not want your cart delivered you can purchase it at the Drop Off Facility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are city-approved trash carts required of all municipal customers?
These containers allow for safer, cleaner and more efficient trash collection. Automated collection dramatically reduces worker injuries and saves taxpayers over $100,000 per year in workers’ compensation costs.

See the results of our successful automated collection pilot program.

What if I have more trash than will fit in my cart?
You have three options:

  1. Bring it to the Drop Off Facility (fees apply)
  2. Hold onto it until your next collection
  3. Arrange for an overflow collection (rules and limitations apply)

If lack of space is a recurring problem, consider purchasing an additional cart.  Remember, there is a maximum of two carts per unit (i.e., a single-family home may place up to two carts for collection; a two-family may place up to four carts).

What if I have a large item that does not fit in my cart?
Please see Bulky Items for options.

What is the delivery fee?
Online orders will incur a $10 delivery fee. Please be aware that although we try and deliver trash carts as soon as possible, the timeframe does vary based on staffing and orders placed.

What size cart should I buy?
This depends on a number of factors, including the size of your household and how much you recycle.  Typically, a 65 gallon cart will hold three to four bags and a 95 gallon cart will hold five to six bags.

Do the trash carts come with a warranty?
Yes.   All carts are warrantied against breakage for ten years from the date of manufacture.

Where and how do I place trash carts for collection?
Please see Trash Collection for details.

Are there penalties for not using a trash cart?
Yes.  Anyone who places materials in violation of City ordinances or departmental regulations may be fined.

Where do I store my carts in between collection days?
Trash and recycling carts must be removed from the right-of-way after collection and stored on private property.  Per ordinance (§91.66), no carts may be stored in the front yard, or forward of the building line, if there is other available outdoor space on the property.

How do I obtain a recycling cart or get an additional one?
Submit a Recycling Cart Request.

May I use a trash cart that was not acquired through the City of Manchester?
Any trash container placed for collection must be approved by the Department of Public Works, Highway Division, for style, size, color, and durability. If you wish to use a non-City container, you must contact the Highway Division for an assessment.

Must I use municipal curbside trash service?
No.  Your other options are to dispose of your trash for a fee at the Drop Off Facility, or to contract with a private hauler.